When I began to reconnect with myself, at my core, I realised that I have spent most of my life making things harder for myself! 🙈 I had fallen into the 'trap' of listening to what everyone else wanted me to do, be and have, rather than listening to myself and what felt truly good for me...

⁠In business, I had also been searching (in vain) for the ONE solution to all of my problems, by trying to niche down, keep things simple and get my messaging straight - once and for all! Although all this sounded like a good plan, and I kinda liked the idea of it, I could never stick with any of it!
So, every couple of months/years, I would get a new idea, a new focus, and I would completely redefine myself, my services, my website and my entire business! Then I would power away at that for a while...until the steam ran out, again, and I would go searching yet again... 
I have been beating myself up about this for years. Telling myself that I couldn't follow through with anything, that I was lazy, that I would never 'get it right' - until I realised that I was approaching this the wrong way around.
I was trying to 'fit in' to someone else's framework, and blaming myself for not being able to do that, instead of creating my own framework around what I was already good at and what would work for me.

⁠You see, what finally hit me is that I am MULTI-PASSIONATE! 😅

I LOVE diving into a new project, immersing myself in it completely, wrapping it up with a nice bow, sending it 'out there' and then... move onto something else 😊 There is nothing wrong with me, I just work differently to what I thought I 'should'.

So, instead of continuing to redefine myself and start over again, and again, and again, I finally decided to embrace who I am at my core and I built my business around that.

You see, it's not all random, however much it might sound that way! Everything that I do, is rooted in who I am and what I am here (on earth) to do, which is to remind myself and others of who we are at our core so we can live authentic, fulfilling lives. But, I don't do that in just ONE way...I do that in MANY ways; 

Through coaching, energy healing, through music, guided meditations, online courses, workshops and, simply, by being who I am 💚

It has honestly been such a relief to 'allow' myself to do things my way, and stop trying to be something that I'm not. Now, I feel I can simply be myself, and don't need to reinvent myself every time I get a new idea or project.

Check out all my services here and download the free Self-Care E-Book, for when starting to establish healthy boundaries, to start your journey towards living more authentically 💚⁠

📸 @couragedesignsvendborg

Victoria Thygesen