Who am I?

Who am I?

My name is Victoria and I am a Danish Energy Healer, Intuitive Coach & Artist. I have worked, on & off, since 2013 in the self development industry. My initial passion was helping others take time out for themselves.

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Victoria Thygesen
What do I do?⁠

What do I do?⁠

I empower female entrepreneurs to live authentic, fulfilling lives from their true core. This includes establishing healthy boundaries, in their life and business, so they can serve more sustainably.⁠ That's the short answer...⁠

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Victoria Thygesen
Whom do I work with?

Whom do I work with?

The most beautiful, heart-centred, soulful female entrepreneurs. Mainly, coaches and healers, but also other service-providers. These gorgeous souls are here to provide amazing value and support to others.

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Victoria Thygesen
What do you get from working with me?

What do you get from working with me?

For me, supporting others has never been about telling others what to do, but has always been about empowering others to see what was the 'right' way forward for them. So, working with me, does not mean getting a step-by-step, fixed plan to nirvana...

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Victoria Thygesen
My story 💚

My story 💚


I have always known that I wanted to work for myself, but the 'what' has changed many times. Once I started coaching and energy healing I felt that I was on track, because I knew that I wanted to support others in feeling better in themselves.

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Victoria Thygesen
My Story 💚 Part 2

My Story 💚 Part 2

When I began to reconnect with myself, at my core, I realised that I have spent most of my life making things harder for myself! I had fallen into the 'trap' of listening to what everyone else wanted me to do, be and have, rather than listening to myself and what felt good for me...

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Victoria Thygesen
Why have I decided to use a 'fixed' grid on my social media platforms and blog?

Why have I decided to use a 'fixed' grid on my social media platforms and blog?

When I finally realised that, in order to live more authentically and serve others more deeply, I had to first learn to serve myself more authentically, I took an honest look at my life and business...

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Victoria Thygesen
One of my current services...

One of my current services...


One of my absolute favourite ways to support others in remembering who they are at their core, is via energy healing and intuitive messages. For me, it goes to the heart of things, to the root of the situation and blows everything else out of the water.

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Victoria Thygesen
Who am I, really?

Who am I, really?

Something that is really important for me, in everything that I do, is to be honest and authentic. So, you won't find a completely different version of me 'behind-the-scenes'! I strive to 'do' business, the way that I 'do' life; compassionately, intuitively, respectfully, wholeheartedly... 😊

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Victoria Thygesen